Rust Alerts is a mobile app that notifies you when events happen in Rust.

Available on Google Play

Get the app via the Google Play Store! The app is 100% free, with no pesky ads.

Available on the App Store

Get the app via the Apple App Store!

Supported Alerts:

  • Raid Alerts

    Receive alerts when your base comes under threat; if a door, wall, or structure that you own is destroyed by raid damage, an alert will be sent.

  • Base Alerts

    Receive alerts if your base begins decaying or doesn't have enough resources.

  • Clan Alerts

    Rust Alerts is fully integrated with Clans -- when your clan's base is raided or begins decaying, all clan-mates are notified.

  • Trap Alerts

    Receive alerts when your traps and turrets kill other players. If your traps run out of ammo, or are destroyed, you'll also get an alert.

  • Kill Alerts

    Receive alerts if your character is killed while you're offline.

  • Server Alerts

    Receive customized alerts from server owners; stay informed on server-specific events, wipe schedules, and more!

Own a modded server? Easily integrate Rust Alerts!

Install Rust Alerts

To integrate Rust Alerts on your server, follow the instructions on the project page on GitHub. Installation is easy, and only takes a few minutes.